Frequently asked questions
What is a sound bath?
A sound bath immerses you in the sound waves produced by various instruments such as gongs, singing bowls, chimes, and other resonating percussion instruments. The complex nature of the tones produced during a sound bath can help facilitate relaxation and stress reduction, as you focus on the sounds surrounding you, feeling the vibrations 'wash' over you, promoting a deep sense of stillness and calm.
What are the benefits?
People who experience sound baths often report benefits for both the mind and body. Mentally, the complex sounds produced during a sound bath can help the mind achieve a meditative-like state, which is particularly helpful for those who struggle with traditional meditation practices. Physically, you may feel a tingling sensation in parts of your body as the vibrations stimulate your nerve endings. While scientific research on sound baths is still emerging, many people find them beneficial, reporting deeper relaxation, reduced stress, improved sleep quality, and enhanced creativity after attending a session.
What happens during a sound bath?
When you arrive, you'll have time to get comfortable before the session begins. You'll be invited to close your eyes, take deep breaths, and settle into a relaxed state through a short, guided meditation before the sound immersion begins. Then, you'll simply lie back and experience the sounds and vibrations as they wash over you, leading to deeper levels of relaxation. As the sound fades, there will be a brief period of silence before you are guided back and the session is brought to a close.
What should I wear?
Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. I recommend loose-fitting clothing that allows you to relax fully, but if you're coming straight from the office, that's okay too! You might want to remove any heavy jewellery or accessories that could cause discomfort while you're lying down.
What should I bring with me?
To ensure your comfort and enhance your experience, I recommend bringing the following items: a yoga or exercise mat to lie on, a small pillow or cushion to support your head, a light blanket to keep you warm (as body temperature often drops when relaxed), an eye mask, and a bottle of water to stay hydrated.
What if I fall asleep during the session?
Many people attend sound baths for their calming and relaxing qualities, so it's not uncommon to drift off during the session. It's perfectly fine to fall asleep! If you're concerned that your snoring might disturb others, consider speaking to the person next to you at the start of the session and ask them to gently wake you if you start to snore.
I’m running late, what should I do?
Doors open 10-15 minutes before the start of each session to allow you to settle in, get comfortable, and ask any questions you might have. Due to the immersive nature of the experience, late arrivals will not be admitted, so please ensure you allow enough travel time!
Are sound baths suitable for everyone?
Sound baths are generally suitable for most people; however, there are a few considerations. They are not suitable for individuals with pacemakers, those with epilepsy, or anyone who is particularly sensitive to sound. If you wear a hearing aid, it is recommended that you turn it off during the session. Sound baths are also not recommended for women in the first trimester of pregnancy. If you have any concerns, please consult your GP before attending a session.
Sound Rescue
Sound baths for deep relaxation. Let sound rescue you.
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